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18th International Congress on Rheology

13 - 18 December, 2020

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The 18th International Congress on Rheology (http://www.icr2020.com) will be held on virtual format, on 13 - 18 December, 2020, with the support of the Brazilian Society of Rheology ( SBR , http://www.sbreologia.com.br/SBReologia/Principal.html) and the International Committee on Rheology (ICR, http://icrheology.org/dat/index.html). The Congress is organized by Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), with the collaboration of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Mackenzie Presbyterian University, and Federal University of Technology of Parana (UFTPR). The Congress convenes every four years and brings together the world’s leading rheologists from academy and industry, to present the latest advances and developments in this field.

We are expecting around 800 participants (which was the average number of participants at the last three events, held in Monterey, USA; Lisbon, Portugal; and Kyoto, Japan), from different research institutes, academy, and industries from all over the world.

The organizing committee understands that it would be extremely valuable the participation of your company at the Congress. A virtual exhibition is planned for the companies, to show their products and developments. The companies that are interested in sponsoring or participating in the Congress should contact the local organizers.



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Mônica F. Naccache


Tel.: +55 (21) 3527 1174


Paulo R. de Souza Mendes


Tel.: +55 (21) 3527 1177


About the Congress

The ICR 2020 will take place on August 02-07th, 2020. The Congress will be held at the Windsor Barra Hotel, a five star hotel located in Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Barra is a new suburb of Rio de Janeiro, and features beautiful beaches, fine restaurants, Rio’s largest shopping malls and exciting nightlife. The newly constructed Windsor hotel complex is comprised of a five star hotel (the Conference Venue) and adjacent four and three star hotels, giving a wide selection of prices for accommodation. This newly developed area of Rio de Janeiro will provide the Conference attendees a comfortable and safe environment to explore this fascinating city.

The International Congress on Rheology happens every four years in different Continents (Americas, Europe, Asia and Oceania), joining the most prominent people in the area of rheology and complex fluids. The Congress will include plenary lectures and keynote lectures by eminent rheologists, contributed oral presentations organized into fifteen to twenty symposia, and a poster session. We also intend to promote the interaction between academy and industry in related areas, such as oil & gas, food and pharmaceuticals/cosmetics. Two short courses will be offered on the weekend before the Congress, August 1st and 2nd, 2020. The traditional exposition of rheology equipment and other things related to rheology will also take place at the Congress Venue during the event. In addition to the technical program, an active social program is planned, which will promote the interaction among the participants and will introduce them to the wonderful attractions of Rio de Janeiro.


Benefits for Latin American Development

The ICR 2020 in Rio de Janeiro will provide an important opportunity to strengthen the rheology scientific community not only in Brazil, but throughout Latin America. The field of rheology is becoming increasingly important in this region because of the recent industrial development. Specifically, in the case of Brazil we have a very strong oil industry (primarily located in Rio de Janeiro). Also, pharmaceutical and food industries are increasingly expanding throughout this region. We also have important cosmetics and mining companies. All of these industries have important problems related to rheology and non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, and there is a need to solidify and energize our scientific field in Latin America.


Technical program

The ICR 2020 Advisory Board is composed by eminent scientists of the international rheology community. The role of the board is to collaborate in the definition of the ICR 2020 technical program: number and topics of the symposia, number and choice of keynote lecturers, and whatever other matters that could have any relevant impact on the technical quality of the congress.






SBR - Brazilian Society of Rheology

Abreu Events - Rio de Janeiro Office

For general information about the congress, including registration, please contact us at:
(55) 21 2586 1820
Rua Lauro Muller, 116/cj. 905, 22299 - 906 Rio de Janeiro - RJ